Dementia Friendly Whitewater Recognitions

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Dementia Friendly Whitewater Recognitions
Associated Bank Whitewater
L-R: Deb Weberpal – DFCI, Sarah Wambura, Branch Manager, Kelsey Schultz, Analexis Martinez Sosa, and Brittany Kienbaum
Discover Whitewater
L-R: Karin Silvius and Deb Weberpal, DFCI
First English Lutheran Church
L-R: Ken Knuteson, Diane Carlson, Harry and Barb Penington, Reverend Joseph O’Donnell, and Deb Weberpal – DFCI

Congratulations to Discover Whitewater, Associated Bank Whitewater, and First English Lutheran Church for being recognized with the Purple Angel Designation by the Whitewater Dementia Friendly Community Initiative. This designation shows that fifty percent of the staff has been through a dementia friendly business/church training learning about dementia and how to best serve those with the disease. There was also a walk-through of the facility with recommendations to assist those with dementia. Others in Whitewater with this designation are Binning and Dickens Insurance, First Citizens Bank, Reynold’s Heating and Cooling, Studio 84, Irvin L Young Memorial Library, Seniors in the Park, First United Methodist Church and New Beginnings APFV.

If any business or church is interested in the Dementia Friendly training please contact Jennifer Jackson, Seniors in the Park at 262-473-0535 or [email protected]